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Quick guide

  1. Program Installation for desktop PC
  2. Register and login
  3. Share a folder
  4. Install Saaring on another PC
  5. Download the file (transfer)
  6. Make a friend

1. Program Installation for desktop PC

  • Saaring is support Windows, OS X, Linux, Android, iOS.
  • Visit the Saaring home page.
  • After downloading the installer program, install according to the the installation wizard.

2. Register and login

  • Members can sign up to email and Facebook.
  • Click the 'Register' button for register.
  • When you log into Facebook, Saaring automatically login without a separate registration process.
  • In the 'Setting' window, you can change the information on your profile and login information.
  • Including the currently logged-in device information, you can set the language information and information related to file transfer.

3. Share a folder

  • When you click the button in the upper left corner of the main screen, sliding menu appears.
  • The main screen is divided into large 4 areas : 'top menu', 'My Computer area', 'Shared folders area', 'Transfer list area'.
  • Saaring's first screen is a list of my shared folders.
  • If the program is installed on another PC and log in with the same email (or Facebook), you can directly access to all shared folders.
  • Of course, if you have installed the smart phone app and executed, you can access to a shared folder on your smartphone.
  • The shared folder management window, you can add, change or delete a sharing folder.
  • When click the 'Add' button, you can add a sharing folder.
  • When add a shared folder, you can set the permission to access the shared folder.
  • You can specify each upload and download permission. When you set the password to a sharing folder, who must be know the password for accessing the shared folder.

4. Install Saaring on another PC

  • Saaring can be installed on another PC, and sign in with an email before registering (or Facebook).
  • When you log in with a same email(or same Facebook), you can see all of the shared folder shared by same email.

5. Download the file (transfer)

  • By connecting to the other PC, download and upload the files based on the permissions of the shared folder.
  • In the transfer list at the bottom of the screen, you can see the file transfer status.

6. Make a friend

  • When you click the 'Friends' tab, you can check all your Saaring friends.
  • When you click a friend's name, you can see all shared folders of your friend and you can access the shared folder.
  • 9-digit number in the top right corner of the main screen is your 'Saaring ID'.
  • Who want be a Saaring friends, the user must be know your 9-digit Saaring ID.
  • When click the 'My Saaring ID' label, 9-digit number is copied to the clipboard.
  • Please send your Saaring ID to your friends via email or instance messenger.
  • If you know the Saaring ID of your friend, click the 'Add friends' button
  • The 'Add friends' window you can request a friends and see the friend's request.
  • Enter the friend's Saaring ID (9 digits) to request a friend on the top input area.
  • When you request a friend, your opponent can accept or reject.
  • When the opponent accept the friend, the user will be appear in the 'My friends' list.
  • If you have friend who do not know the Saaring yet, you can invite your friends by email.
  • Email invitation includes a link can install the Saaring application and my Saaring ID.
  • If your friend is registered as members, it is registered as a Saaring friend without acceptance process.
  • You can send multiple invitations email by enter multiple emails at once.
  • In the 'Friends' list, you can block the friends.
  • Also in the 'Blocked friends' window, you can cancel the block.
  • Now share the folder with your friends.
  • And download the file from friend's shared folder.